

Year Two – The Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court at a Glance, AIPLA Chemical Practice Chronicles Newsletter, Vol. 12 Issue 2, 2024

We can now look back on a quite successful first year of the new European patent and court system. Now well into its second year, the Unitary Patent (UP) continues to grow in popularity and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) is proving itself to be a truly pan-European court. Bo...

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Women´s IP World Podcast, Episode 2 in Season 4

Our partner Dr.-Ing. Sophie Ertl gives a deep insight in her article from The Women's IP World Annual 2024, which provides a comparative analysis ...

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Women´s IP Podcast, Episode 2 of Season 4

Our Partner Dr.-Ing. Sophie Ertl provides a deep dive into her a...

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Die Marktexklusivität als absolutes Recht (Teil II), GRUR 16/2024

Although market exclusivity for orphan drugs (drugs for rare diseases) and the related non-indication-related document and marketing protection are crucial for ensuring investment and innovation protection in the pharmaceutical industry, it has not yet been clarified how and...

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Wündisch/Zirkel, F&E-Verträge, Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2024 (German only)
Chapter on the Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent and on the special features of research and development in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sector

Our colleague Dr. Marco Stief has been given the honor of contributing the chapters on the Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent as well as on t...

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Podcast – Empowering women and nurturing young talent: Maiwald’s commitment to equality and diversity, MIP, 2024

Five female patent attorneys at Maiwald, spanning several age groups and practice areas, explain how the intellectual property firm encourages the career development of women and talented young professionals.

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Is the medical use disclosure standard different for novelty and sufficiency?, Managing IP, 2024

Eva Ehlich and Anja Fux of Maiwald discuss an EPO board ruling relating to the standard of disclosure concerning the novelty and sufficiency of a therapeutic effec...

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Promoting women and young talent at MAIWALD, 2024

Maiwald, a leading German IP law firm, has 45% female partners, emphasizing equality and diversity. The firm supports women's career advancement and attracts talented women through its inclusive culture. Clients, even in m...

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Offshore wind power and territoriality principles from a German viewpoint, Managing IP 2024

Claus Schindele considers the legal complications regarding patent protection in the offshore wind sector, with a particular eye on Germany and the UK Patent protection in the offshore wind energy sector i...

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Die Marktexklusivität als absolutes Recht (Teil I), GRUR 11/2024

Investment and innovation protection are closely linked in the pharmaceutical sector for the development and marketing of new medicinal products. In addition to patent protection, market exclusivity under pharmaceutical law, which creates a legally defined protection period ...

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European Parliament addresses thorny issue of plants generated by new genomic techniques, Managing IP 4/2024

In her article published by Managing IP, Kerstin Wolff reports on a proposal approved by the European Parliament (EP) that support...

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Wettbewerbsrecht im Kontext von Technologietransfer- und Lizenzverträgen, PharmR 4/2024

EU competition law in the context of technology transfer, license and settlement agreements: Since at least the initiation of the first pharma sector inquiry in 2008, the pharma industry has been under close and austere scrutiny of the EU Commission. In the first part of thi...

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Reliance on a purported technical effect for inventive step – Quo vadis “plausibility” after G 2/21? epi Information, 1/2024

In the context of the effect-driven assessment of inventive step under the European Patent Convention (EPC) it is usually crucial for the outcome whether an Applicant/a Patentee can rely on a specific technical effect corresponding to an improvement over the prior art. In th...

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Not without my consent – Zu den Grenzen des SPC squatting, GRUR 6/2024

SPC for pharmaceutical products are an important complement to patent protection which is often inadequate in commercial terms. SPCs are designed to ensure that originators can amortize their high investments in research and clinical trials. But unlike in the USA, for exampl...

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Wettbewerbsrecht im Kontext von F&E- und Linzenzverträgen, PharmR 3/2024

In the trade journal Pharma Recht (46th year, 15 March 2024), Dr. Marco Stief deals with the competition law assessment of research, cooperation and development agreements, with special consideration of the Research and Development Block Exemption Regulation.

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§ 945 ZPO – Ausweitung der Haftung der Originatoren bei später widerrufenem Patent?, GRUR 4/2024 (Stief/Meyer)

In a recent article published in GRUR 2024, 182 et seqq., Dr. Marco Stief and

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Products eligible for the medical use format under the EPC: new insights, Managing IP 2024

In the latest article published by Managing IP, Dr. Eva Ehlich and Dr. Anja Fux summarise an EPO board ruling relating to substances and compositions in the contex...

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T 0116/18 and a review after 10 months of G 2/21, Managing IP 2024

Decision on inventive step casts new light on EBA’s ‘plausibility’ guidance - Dr. Eva Ehlich and Dr. Anja Fux talk about this in the latest article on Managi...

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Rechtshandbuch Chemie-, Pharma- und Life-Science-Patente, C.H. Beck – 2023

Rechtshandbuch Chemie-, Pharma- und Life-Sciences-Patente is a comprehensive guide to the law on chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences patents, which

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(No) injunctive relief before the actual grant of a patent, GRUR 23/2023

Following expiry of market exclusivity in March 2022 for the drug Gilenya® (active ingredient: fingolimod) used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and an unexpected delay in the grant of the dosage patent on a second medical use following complaint proceedings, several...

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Does current legislation provide for adequate compensation in cases of unjustified preliminary injunctions? Originator–generic conflicts in the context of patent infringement proceedings, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 12/2023 (Stief/Geller)

An English, updated and improved version of the article written by Dr. Marco Stief and Dr. Anja Geller that was published in GRUR 2023, 931 ff. is now available on the website of the 

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Maiwald makes the case for patent lawyers to learn something new: LiquidText, The Patent Lawyer (Annual 2024)

The Patent Lawyer Editorial Board looks back at 2023 to summarize key cases and developments by jurisdiction. Influenced by several years of use,

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Repeated trademark filings: EUIPO Board addresses ‘annoying’ practice, Managing IP 2023

In a recent article with the title "Repeated trademark filings: EUIPO Board addresses 'annoying' practice" published by Managing IP, Susanna...

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The springboard doctrine in the context of patent law – part two, Managing IP 2023

In concluding a two-part series on springboard injunctions, Dr Marco Stief takes a deeper dive to explain their require...

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The springboard doctrine in the context of patent law – part one, Managing IP 2023

In the first of two articles on the springboard doctrine, Dr Marco Stief explains how the protective effect of a patent can continue to have an im...

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European Unitary Patent Package: Introduction to the New System including Strategic Considerations, (September 2023) 133 Intellectual Property Forum 40

The creation of the unitary patent and the Unified Patent Court (“UPC”) heralds the beginning of a new era in patent law in Europe. The Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (“UPCA”) entered into force on 1 June 2023 when the new UPC finally began operations. The openi...

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European Commission proposes transferable data exclusivity vouchers to tackle the antimicrobial resistance crisis, Managing IP 2023

In a recent article published by Managing IP, Dr Marco Stief considers a regulatory proposal designed to promote antimicrobial R&D and addres...

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Ergänzende Schutzzertifikate für Arzneimittel, EuZW 2023, 643

On April 27, 2023, the European Commission presented four proposals for Regulations on supplementary protection certificates as part of the Intellectual Property Action Plan. In this article, Dr Gisela Grabow, toget...

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Ersatzansprüche bei ungerechtfertigten einstweiligen Verfügungen im Pharmabereich – Ansprüche des Antragsgegners und geschädigter Dritter, GRUR 13/2023

Preliminary injunctions orders are commonly granted for pharmaceutical patents. If an order later proves to be unfounded, under § 945 German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) the defendant generic company can claim damages on the basis of the plaintiff's strict liability. Howev...

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A path towards a crisis-proof EU pharmaceutical legislation? The European Commission proposal, MIP 2023

On April 27 2023, the European Commission presented a proposal for the reform of the general pharmaceutical legislation in the EU. The proposal is based on 

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Quo vadis Arzneimittelrecht – ein Überblick zur Überarbeitung der EU-Arzneimittelvorschriften, PharmR 6/2023

On April 27, 2023, the EU Commission presented a proposal for the reform of the pharmaceutical legislation in the EU. The proposal would lead to broad and far-reaching changes to the Regulation and the Directive, providing, for example for variable protection periods (standa...

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Der texanische “Two-Step”- Umstrittene juristische Strategie zur Begrenzung der Unternehmenshaftung, Arzneimittel & Recht 2/23

by Dr Marco Stief Since 1989, it has been possible under Texas law to divide a business corporation into individual entities by way of a so-called "divisive merger"...

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Decision on cease-and-desist declarations according to the ‘Hamburg custom’, MIP 2023

In its judgment of December 1 2022 (Case No. I ZR 144/21), the German Federal Court of Justice (FCJ) clarified several important points, which Dr Christian Meyer discusses in more detail in his article. Firstly, t...

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The role of patent attorneys in patent infringement disputes in Germany and Europe, MIP 2023

In the article "The role of patent attorneys in patent infringement disputes in Germany and Europe", published by Managing IP, Dr-Ing. Bo-Hyun Lee considers how the Unified Patent Court will affect the successful Germ...

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Interview on the UPC in the magazine “Die Welt” – Smart Rechtsguide, 2023

In the issue (No. 57) of "die Welt", Dr.-Ing. Sophie Ertl answered questions about the UPC as part of the supplement "Smart Rechtsguide": "Unitary Patent and Unitary Patent Court - what you need to know".

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EuGH: Plattformbetreiber haften für Markenrechtsverletzungen durch Drittanbieter – der Fall Louboutin/Amazon, BetriebsBerater 12/2023

In the contribution in the 12/2023 issue of the BetriebsBerater journal, Dr Marco Stief reports on a ruling by the ECJ that significantly extends the liability of online platforms for third-party trademark infringemen...

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Focus on: Anmeldeverfahren und Anmeldungen “Nicht immer ohne unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen – Einwendungen Dritter im Prüfungsverfahren vor dem Europäischen Patentamt”,, 2023

Nicht immer ohne unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen – Einwendungen Dritter im Prüfungsverfahren vor dem Europäischen Patentamt: In seinem allgemeinen “Auftrags”-Statement verweist das Europäische Patent...

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Der patentrechtliche Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz im Bereich Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, Teil 2, PharmR 3/2023

With the Second Act on the Simplification and Modernization of Patent Law (2nd PatMoG), German patent law has undergone significant changes. In particular, in §139 (1) S.3 PatG a proportionality barrier with regard to the right to injunctive relief under patent law was codi...

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Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Patents, C.H.BECK – 2023

by Prof. Dr Maximilian W. Haedicke, Dr Marco Stief and Dr Annelie Wünsche The subjec...

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Louboutin v Amazon: direct liability of online platforms for third-party trademark infringement, MIP 2023

In a recent article, published by MIP, Dr Marco Stief reports on a ruling by the CJEU that significantly extends the liability of online platforms for third-party trademark infringement and explains what it means for online marketplaces and trademark owners.

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Die Einführung eines neuen Patentsystems in Europa, Betriebs-Berater 2023, Heft 09

by Dr Marco Stief It is official: On 17.2.2023 Germany has now also ratified the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPC) and thus the start of the new Unified Pat...

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Der patentrechtliche Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz im Bereich Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, Teil 1, PharmR 2/2023

On August 17, 2021, the Second Patent Law Simplification and Modernization Act (2nd PatMoG) was proclaimed, resulting in several changes for patent law. In the article "Der patentrechtliche Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz im Bereich Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, Teil 1 ...

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No-challenge and pay-for-delay agreements in patent licence and settlement agreements under European competition law, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 18/2, 02/2023, S.135–145

In the article "No-Challenge and Pay-for-delay Agreements in Patent License and Settlement Agreements under European Competition Law," recently published by the Journal of IP Law & Practice (Oxford University Press), ...

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Europe’s new Unitary Patent System will affect IP Agreements, Law360 2023

by Dr Marco Stief The introduction of the European patent and court system is causing significant upheaval and requires owners of European patents to take precautio...

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Die Reform der Gruppenfreistellungsverordnungen – FuE- und Spezialisierungs-GVO 2023, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 01/2023

by Dr Marco Stief with Dr Anna Giedke, Dipl. jur. Selina Stachowitz With effect from 1 January 2023, new versions of the R&D- and Specialisation-BER should...

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IP as a means of securing a loan under German law, Managing IP 2023

Intellectual property can be utilised commercially in many ways. In addition to the traditional forms – such as the granting of licences, selling, and the judicial enforcement of cease-and-desist orders and claims for damages – IP can also be used as collateral for loans...

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Interview IAM Strategy 300 Global Leaders, 2023

This year IAM has once again invited top IP strategists to tell readers more about their careers in intellectual property, top lessons learned along the way and their views on the current state of the market. Like IAM Global Leaders, which features top-ranked private practic...

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Proportionality defence v compulsory licence: the decision of the Düsseldorf court, Managing IP 2022

Dr Marco Stief of Maiwald explains a ruling by the Düsseldorf Regional Court in the matter NuCana v Gilead that establishes the subsidiarity of the objection of disproportion...

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IP Due Diligence und Pharma, |transkript 4-2022 im November – Spezial: “Patente / M&A / Lizenzierung”

Market leaders in the life sciences are interested in acquiring start-ups in order to acquire a new technology as soon as their investment risk can be better foreseen. In order to minimise the associated risks, a precise IP due diligence is required on the acquirer's side. I...

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JUVE Handbook 2022/2023: Co-publishing article on the topic of “Die Äquivalenz in der Patentverletzung: Neue Rechtsprechung”

In the current edition of the JUVE Handbook for Commercial Law Firms 2022/2023 published in October 2022 Dr Marco Stief,

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Preisanpassungsklauseln bei Verträgen zwischen Unternehmen, Betriebs-Berater 43/2022

In this article, Dr Marco Stief discusses the admissibility of value maintenance and price adjustment clauses in commercial contracts. After many years of relative...

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Einheitspatent und einheitliches Patentgericht – Vorstellung des neuen europaweiten Patent- und Gerichtssystems, PharmaR 10/2022

In their contribution, Dr Marco Stief and Heike Röder-Hitschke focus on the Unified Patent Court (UP...

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ECJ ruling brings clarity on the interruption of forfeiture periods, Managing IP 2022

Susanna Heurung examines a decision by the European Court of Justice concerning the ending of a period of ‘acquiescence’ in a trademark case and what it means for potential plaintiffs

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Recent ECJ case law and latest referrals for preliminary rulings on the SPC Regulation, IAM 2022

by Dr Derk Vos The contribution highlights recent ECJ decisions regarding Article 3(a) of the SPC Regulation relating to one of the core aspects of SPCs – namely, th...

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Germany cancels agreement with Switzerland on the use of trademarks, 2022

In the September edition of Managing Intellectual Property Susanna Heurung explains that owners of German trademarks who rely on their use in Switzerland must change their...

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Ergänzende Schutzzertifikate – Überblick und Ausblick zur EU-Initiative, Arzneimittel & Recht, 2022

SPCs are currently based on Regulation (EC) No. 469/2009 on the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products. Under a current EU initiative, the Commission is proposing, among other things, a single granting procedure and a single SPC system. In order to be ab...

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Originator vs Generika – Pharmapatente im Spannungsfeld des einstweiligen Verfügungsverfahrens, PharmR Heft 6/2022, Heft 8/2022

In the issue 6/2022 of Pharma Recht, Dr Marco Stief and Dr Christian Meyer review and summarise the rather game-changing legal and factual developments in ...

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Do the experimental use and bolar exemptions also apply in contributory patent infringement cases? Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 2022

The reach of Sec. 10(3) of the German Patent Act (GPA) has been the subject of debate by German patent courts for many years. Final clarification by the German Supreme Court is still awaited on the extent to which third parties are liable for their own supplying acts which d...

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The biggest change is the introduction of a right to compensation under unfair competition law for consumers, 07/2022

In the Special Report of Leaders League, Dr Christian Meyer explains how the new claim for compensation, based on the Directive (EU) 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 on consu...

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Patents: New principles in preliminary injunction proceedings, 2022

In the July edition of Managing Intellectual Property Heike Röder-Hitschke discusses a significant European Court of Justice (CJEU) ruling, and how it will affect future practice in preliminary injunction pr...

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Regulatorische und haftungsrechtliche Herausforderungen für KI-Medizinprodukte, in Roman Grinblat/ Sibylle Scholtz/ Sophy Stock (Hrsg.) Festschrift für Ulrich M. Gassner, Medizinprodukterecht im Wandel (S. 467 ff.), Nomos, 2022

Ulrich M. Gassner brought medical product law into his scientific focus at an early stage and shaped it over decades. The contributions in this publication on the occasion of his 65th birthday deal with numerous facets of his work. The book contains texts by his students and...

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EU-Initiative zu Zwangslizenzen – Chance oder Wettbewerbsnachteil? Arzneimittel & Recht, 2022

In an article just recently published in the journal Arzneimittel & Recht (Edition 03/22) Dr Gisela Grabow and Dr Marco Stief discuss the grant ...

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Patents: New Principles in preliminary injunction proceedings – in: BioScience Law Review, vol. 18 issue 5 (06, 2022)

In her publication "Patents: New Principles in preliminary injunction proceedings", 

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A quiet but important step for software patents in Germany, 2022

Dr Simon Lud explains in Managing Intellectual Property how a German court judgment is advantageous for patent applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

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Haftungsbegrenzungen und Freistellungsvereinbarungen insbesondere in Technologie- und Unternehmenskaufverträgen (M&A), Lizenz- und F&E-Verträgen, 2022

In the second part of the recently published article on contractual IP warranties, Dr Marco Stief discusses (1) limitations and restrictions of liability and (2) contractual indemnification obligations, both in the conte...

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Vertragliche IP Garantien in Pharmaverträgen, insbesondere M&A, Lizenz und F&E Verträge, 2022

In the current issue of PharmR, Maiwald partner Dr Marco Stief takes a close-up look at contractual IP warranties, more specifically in the context of contracts regarding M&am...

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Clarification on the transfer of priority rights expected at the EPO, 2022

Dr Matthias Hoffmann discusses in Managing Intellectual Property the uncertainty over the transfer of priority rights and the joint applicants approach at the EPO.

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USB stick meets sufficiently specific test in Germany, 2022

Dr Christian Meyer discusses in a publication of Managing Intellectual Property a case concerning the domain, in which a reference to a USB stick was found to ...

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2nd Edition of the Handbook “The Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC)”

We are delighted to announce the release of the 2nd Edition of the Handbook “The Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC)” edited by our partner Dr. Marco Stief. The book provides a detailed insight into t...

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JUVE Handbook 2021/2022: Co-publishing article on the topic of „Chancen und Stolpersteine bei Videoverhandlungen am EPA“

In the current edition of the JUVE Handbook for Commercial Law Firms 2021/2022 published in October 2021 Dr Eva Ehlich,

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Alignment of Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe with the Action Plan on IP, 2021

by Dr Gisela Grabow in Managing Intellectual Property

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Admissibility of non-challenge clauses and pay-for-delay agreements in settlements and license, 2021

by Dr Marco Stief In the current October issue of Pharma Recht - a specialist journal for pharmaceutical law our partner Dr. Marco Stief has written an article with...

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German Court Calls for Better Enforcement of Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Infringement Case, 2021

by Dr Christian Meyer in Managing Intellectual Property

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Enlarged Board of Appeal Rules on Double Patenting, 2021

by Dr Annelie Wünsche and Dr Stefanie Parchmann

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Vertragshandbuch Pharma und Life Sciences, C.H.BECK, 2., erw. Auflage – 2021 (gemeinsam hrsg. mit Boris Bromm)

by Dr Marco Stief and Boris Bromm The current manual offers a comprehensive collection of annotated contract models for all comm...

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Wir helfen dem Erfinder, seine Idee zu schützen, 2021

by Dr Sophie Ertl in ZEIT „Arbeitswelten der Zukunft“

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Patente treiben Innovation und Fortschritt, 2021

by Dr Eva Ehlich and Dr Christian Schäflein in Smart Rechtsguide 2021

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Connected Cars, SEP and Frand-Cjeu Referral With a Focus on Multi-Tier Supply Chains, 2021

by Dr Marco Stief and Heike Röder-Hitschke in Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice

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CJEU SANTEN: No More SPC protection for new indications and new galenic formulations? (2021)

by Dr Marco Stief and Dr Robert Wenzel in Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice

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The launch of Horizon Europe: The EU initiative for research and innovation, 2021

by Dr Marco Stief in Managing Intellectual Property

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German court rules against automated dispensing of medicinal products, 2021

by Dr Christian Meyer  in Managing Intellectual Property

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Recent amendments to the SPC Regulation, 2020

by Dr Derk Vos  in IAM Innovation & Invention Yearbook: Building IP value in the 21st century  This article first appeared in IAM Innovation & Invention Yearbook: Building IP value i...

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Schutzzertifikat widerrufen, 2020

by Dr Derk Vos in transkript - Life Science Magazine

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Protection Through Insurance Solutions

by Dr Christian Pisani (together with Rebecca Koch) in Risikomanagement, Organisation, Compliance für Unternehmen Eds. Zenke / Schäfer / Brocke

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Das Ende von SPCs für neue Indikationen? (2020)

by Dr Marco Stief in the GRUR - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 

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Case provides legal certainty for employers and employee inventors, 2020

by Dr Anja Friedrich in Managing Intellectual Property

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Lieferengpässe in der Arzneimittelindustrie – Ursache, Gründe und Lösungsansätze am Beispiel des Corona Virus (Teil 2), 2020

by Dr Marco Stief and Dr Boris Bromm in Pharma Recht - Fachzeitschrift für das gesamte Arzneimittelrecht

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Distinguishing Between a Technical Feature and a Representation of Information, 2020

by Stefan Bianchin in Managing Intellectual Property

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EMA and EU Commission offer flexibility instead of intervention, 2020

by Dr Gisela Grabow in Managing Intellectual Property

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Lieferengpässe in der Arzneimittelindustrie – Ursache, Gründe und Lösungsansätze am Beispiel des Corona Virus (Teil 1), 2020

by Dr Marco Stief and Dr Boris Bromm in Pharma Recht - Fachzeitschrift für das gesamte Arzneimittelrecht

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Forum Shopping Is Becoming More Difficult, 2020

by Dr Annelie Wünsche in Managing Intellectual Property

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How are patents interpreted after nullity proceedings? (2020)

by Thomas Ederer in Managing Intellectual Property

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Handbuch des Patentrechts, 2. Auflage, 2020

2nd edition 2020 Eds. Haedecke / Timmann, edited i. a. by Dr Dirk Bühler and Dr Marco Stie...

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Rechtliche Probleme des ergänzenden Schutzzertifikats für Arzneimittel, 2020

Using the example of medical indications, excipients and combinations of active ingredients by Dr Marco Stief Publisher Carl Heymanns Verlag ISBN 97...

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Compliance Requirements for Effective Risk Management

by Elke Wurster and Dr Christian Pisani in MPJ - Medizinprodukte Journal

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CJEU Clarifies the Impact of a Declaration

by Stephan Schneller in Managing Intellectual Property

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Auch “kleinere” Ideen sind schützenswert, 2020

by Dr Eva Dörner and Alexander Ortlieb in Rechtsguide 2020 (insert of Süddeutsche Zeitung)

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German Federal Patent Court Releases New Decision, 2019

by Stefan Bianchin in Managing Intellectual Property

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AIPPI Study Question 2019 Plausability

by Dr Ina Bürck in Study Guidelines, 2019 AIPPI Word Congress - London additional authors: Heiko Dumlich, Johannes Gierlich, Robin Keulertz, Simon Klopschinski, Philipp Marchand, Michael Schneider, Stefan Sc...

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Protection of inventions in AI and digitalisation, 2020

by Dr Christian Schäflein and Dr Fabian Kiendl in IAM Yearbook: Building IP value in the 21st century 2020 T...

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FCJ Clarifies Requirements for Enforcement of Time-Barred and Non-Time-Barred Claims, 2019

by Dr Christian Meyer in Managing Intellectual Property

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Claim Interpretation If Preamble Equates to State of the Art

by Dr Volker Tegeder in Managing Intellectual Property

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General Court confirms lack of likelihood of confusion between IOS FINANCE and EOS

by Stephan Schneller and Samira Weik in World Trademark Review This article first appeared on WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (07/2019). For further information, please go to

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Supreme Court Shows Distrust of Digital Deadline Management System, 2019

by Sebastian Herzog in Managing Intellectual Property

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CAR-T-Zelltherapien – Herausforderungen beim IP, 2019

by Dr Dirk Bühler in BioTechnologie Jahrbuch 2019

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What Happens When Prior Art Is Described in a Patent?

by Dr Martin Trautmann in Managing Intellectual Property

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Pregabalin and Fulvestrant – a comparison of German and English liability regimes for Swiss-type claims in light of current case law, 2019

by Dr Marco Stief and Ulrike Zorr in Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice und GRUR Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht

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Proposed Regulation Increasing Transparency at the EFSA Threatens IP, 2019

by Dr Gisela Grabow in Managing Intellectual Property

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New Liability for Second Medical Use, 2019

by Dr Marco Stief and Ulrike Zorr in Managing Intellectual Property

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Court blocks prior art time travel

by Dr Julia Mössinger in Managing Intellectual Property

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Securing the Way: Compliance Management Systems

by Elke Wurster in DATEV magazin

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Court Decides on Issues Related to Declaration of Division During Appeal, 2019

by Dr Christian Haggenmüller in Managing Intellectual Property

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On the prohibition of post portem insemination

by Dr Christian Pisani in Der Gynäkologe

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German FPC Adds Another Twist to Pemetrexed Case

by Dr Renate Rieder in Managing Intellectual Property

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CJEU Rules on SPCs for Combination Products, 2018

by Dr Annelie Wünsche in Managing Intellectual Property

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Late-filed submissions in nullity proceedings, 2015

by Simon Quartus Lud in Managing Intellectual Property

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Business bases opposition against trade mark on company name, 2018

by Susanna Heurung in Managing Intellectual Property

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BPatG judges have adequate technical expertise, 2015

by Norbert Hansen in Managing Intellectual Property

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The effects of a cooking pan

by Thomas Mayer in Managing Intellectual Property

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Infringer cannot intervene in reinstatement procedure, 2016

by Norbert Hansen in Managing Intellectual Property

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R 0016/13 – A truly positive decision! (2015)

by Eva Ehlich in European Patent Institute

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Submissions filed in second instance nullity proceedings, 2016

by Simon Quartus Lud in Managing Intellectual Property

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SPCs for medical devices, 2016

by Dr Annelie Wünsche in Managing Intellectual Property

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BGH “Filmscanner” judgment reviewed, 2016

by Marco Stief and Stefan G Fuchs in Managing Intellectual Property

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CJEU requirements in FRAND cases, 2016

by Marco Stief and Stefan G Fuchs in Managing Intellectual Property siehe auch Teil 2: Recent developments in German jurisprudence following ECJ Huawei Technologies / ZTE

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BGH denies injunctive relief grace period in patent case, 2016

by Norbert Hansen in Managing Intellectual Property

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Inescapable trap for German parts of European patents, 2014

by Anja Friedrich in Managing Intellectual Property

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Revised TTBER and Guidelines, 2015

by Marco Stief in Managing Intellectual Property

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New opportunities to obtain purpose-related patents, 2015

by Martina Müller-Dyck in Managing Intellectual Property

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Inventive step and application of general knowledge

by Holger Kämpf in Managing Intellectual Property

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‘Spin bingo’ will be perceived as a specific version of the game of bingo

by Stephan N. Schneller in World Trademark Review

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Ruling on indirect patent infringement, 2015

by Fabian Kiendl in Managing Intellectual Property

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Safe harbors in Europe: an update on the research and Bolar exemptions to patent infringement, 2015

by Marco Stief in Nature Biotechnology, Volume 33, Number 7

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General Court rules in bingo trade mark case

by Stephan N. Schneller in Nature Biotechnology, Volume 33, Number 7

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Technical character of graphic feedback, 2015

by Simon Quartus Lud in Managing Intellectual Property

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Patentability of mathematical methods

by Ralph Fernolend in Managing Intellectual Property

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Inescapable trap for German parts of European patents not inescapable

by Andreas Ledl in Managing Intellectual Property

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Different disclosure standards for novelty and priority, 2013

by Norbert Hansen in Managing Intellectual Property

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General Court overturns on phonetic similarity

by Stephan N. Schneller in Managing Intellectual Property

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Free for all, rules General Court

by Stephan N. Schneller in Managing Intellectual Property

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Federal Supreme Court endorses functional claim language, 2013

by Dirk Bühler in Managing Intellectual Property

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Chemical and biological inventions

by Marco Stief together with Dr. Dirk Bühler in Patent Law – A Handbook on European and German Patent Law, Haedicke/Timmann (Hrsg.)

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The law of utility models

by Marco Stief together with Dr. Dirk Bühler in Patent Law – A Handbook on European and German Patent Law, Haedicke/Timmann (Hrsg.)

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Patent Law – A Handbook on European and German Patent Law, 2014

by Marco Stief together with Dr. Dirk Bühler in Patent Law – A Handbook on European and German Patent Law, Haedicke/Timmann (Hrsg.)

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Questions submitted on scope of Bolar provision, 2014

by Marco Stief together with Heinrich Nemeczek in Managing Intellectual Property

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Multiple complaints bring higher cost risk for defendant, 2014

by Norbert Hansen in Managing Intellectual Property <

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CJEU rules on enforcement of unregistered Community designs

by Stephan N. Schneller in Managing Intellectual Property

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Federal Supreme Court clarifies priority issues, 2014

by Andrea Lasar in Managing Intellectual Property

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New life for equivalent infringement

by Sophie Ertl in Managing Intellectual Property

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General Court considers scope of examination by Board of Appeal under Article 64

by Stephan N. Schneller in World Trademark Review

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High barrier set for revocation of injunctions, 2012

by Dr Derk Vos in Managing Intellectual Property

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Court rules on SPCs with negative duration

by Dr Dirk Bühler in Managing Intellectual Property

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Domain ruled not jus ad rem

by Stephan N. Schneller in Managing Intellectual Property

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One person can sue for nullity twice, 2012

by Norbert Hansen in Managing Intellectual Property

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Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights. Necessary Instruments versus Over-Enforcement

by Heike Röder-Hitschke in Götting/du Vall/Röder-Hitschke (Hrsg.)

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Supreme Court rules on prerequisites for prior use

by Andreas Ledl in Managing Intellectual Property

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by Marco Stief zusammen mit Dr. Dirk Bühler in Handbuch des Patentrechts, Haedicke/Timmann (Hrsg.)

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Chemische und biologische Erfindungen

by Marco Stief zusammen mit Dr. Dirk Bühler in Handbuch des Patentrechts, Haedicke/Timmann (Hrsg.)

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Das ergänzende Schutzzertifikat

by Marco Stief zusammen mit Dr. Dirk Bühler in Handbuch des Patentrechts, Haedicke/Timmann (Hrsg.)

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Use of mediation for IP matters increases, 2012

by Alexander Schmitz in Managing Intellectual Property

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Neurim and SPCs: Justice for indication inventions, 2012

by Marco Stief together with Robert Wenzel in Managing Intellectual Property

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Recent developments in German jurisprudence following ECJ “Huawei Technologies / ZTE“, 2017

by Marco Stief together with Dr. Stefan G. Fuchs in Managing Intellectual Property siehe auch Teil 1: 

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Designrechtler, 2017

by Marco Stief in Karriereführer

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General Court upholds likelihood of confusion

by Stefan Schneller in Managing Intellectual Property

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Protecting and enforcing data formats for the IoT, 2017

by Simon Quartus Lud in Managing Intellectual Property

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Design protection more important than ever, 2017

by Susanna Heurung in Managing Intellectual Property

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BigData und IoT – kann Europa gegen Google und Co bestehen? (2017)

by Dr Christian Schäflein in Ingenieurversteher

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The underrated alternative ground, 2017

by Lutz Kietzmann in Managing Intellectual Property

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ECJ rules on Community design case

by Heiko Dehm in World Trademark Review This article first appeared on WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (09/2017).

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Time for more medical device SPCs?

by Jan van Dieck in Managing Intellectual Property

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CJEU asked to clarify functional definition issue, 2018

by Dr Annelie Wünsche and Dr Dirk Bühler in Managing Intellectual Property

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Clarification of the case law on repair and reconstruction

by Stefan Gross in Managing Intellectual Property

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Infringing inventions dispersed across multiple territories, 2018

by Dr Simon Lud in Managing Intellectual Property

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Basic patents and supplementary protection certificates, 2018

by Dr Klaus Breitenstein in Managing Intellectual Property

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AG provides an advisory opinion on Article 3(a) of the SPC Regulation

by Sybille Pfender in Managing Intellectual Property

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Determining litigation value in patent appeals, 2018

by Dr Stefanie Parchmann in Managing Intellectual Property

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Patents & Mathematics, 2018

by Attila Kimpan in European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry

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Diagnostic methods – establishing infringement of offshore steps by narrowing claims

by Dr Dirk Bühler in IAM Yearbook: Building IP value in the 21st century 2019

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TUM Mentoring was a major door opener, 2018

by Dr Sophie Ertl Interview with the Technical University Munich

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