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Certified IP Lawyer
UPC Representative
Christian Meyer represents domestic and international clients from a broad range of industries. While the bulk of his work concerns validity and infringement litigation issues, his expertise extends to all areas of intellectual property and competition law with a particular emphasis on infringement proceedings relating to patents and utility models as well as trademarks and designs. He advises on employee invention law, pharmaceutical law, enforcement of standard essential patents (SEPs), product piracy as well as on drafting and execution of all types of contracts pertaining to IP rights.
Christian Meyer is an IP specialist and regularly publishes and lectures on intellectual property issues. He also teaches patent law at the University of Marburg. Test123
"An educator and authority in the world of international intellectual property matters, Christian Meyer is a very experienced and reliable litigator with a strong focus on patent validity and infringement proceedings.”
– IAM Strategy 300, 2024
Der Schutz junger und alter Verbraucher nach der UGP-Richtlinie – Umsetzung im UWG 2008 und richtlinienkonforme Auslegung, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Dissertation, 2013
Zoll: Beschlagnahme bei der Verletzung von kennzeichenrechten – Benutzung im geschäftlichen Verkehr i.S.d. § 14 Abs. 2 MarkenG, CIPReport, 01/2011
Das vereinfachte Vernichtungsverfahren gem. Art. 11 (EG) VO 1383/2003 in der Praxis, CIPReport (together with Klaus Hoffmeister), 03/2010