Our commitment to nature begins with the Green Forest Fund, through which preserves protected areas for the long term. For each of our employees, we have planted a tree, actively contributing to the growth of our MaiWald. This project is part of our long-term dedication to sustainability and strengthens our contribution to climate protection.
We participated in the table football tournament for patent attorneys, which was held in support of the Children’s Health Foundation. The event was full of fun and competitive spirit, giving us the opportunity to make a significant contribution to promoting children’s health. We are proud of our involvement and look forward to the next tournament to do good once again!
For many years, we have been supporting the valuable work of the Stiftung Lesen through regular donations. Stiftung Lesen is passionately committed to promoting reading skills and joy in reading among children and adolescents. Through our longstanding support, we contribute to shaping the future of young readers and improving educational opportunities.